• Acupuncture

    Acupuncture 针灸疗法

  • Massage Therapy-RMT 按摩疗法

    Massage Therapy-RMT 按摩疗法

  • Herbal therapy 中药疗法

    Herbal therapy 中药疗法

  • Tuina Massage推拿按摩

    Tuina Massage推拿按摩

  • Cupping 拔罐疗法

  • Cosmetic acupuncture 美容针法

    Cosmetic acupuncture 美容针法

  • Electroacupuncture 电针疗法

    Electroacupuncture 电针疗法

We are committed to providing high-quality, professional care to you. In order to continue to offer you excellent services, we will be increasing our prices on January 1, 2024.


We are committed to providing high-quality, professional care to you. In order to continue to offer you excellent services, we will be increasing our prices on January 1, 2024. 〰️

Acupuncture 针灸疗法

Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), one of the oldest and most commonly-used medical therapy in the world. By inserting hair thin steel needles into patient’s skin at “acupoints” to rebalance the body’s vital energy and prompt the body to release natural chemicals to fight the illness or symptom. The unique of this therapy is treatment without medication, healing without side-effects.

Massage Therapy-RMT 按摩疗法

Massage is one of the most common & oldest forms of natural healing therapy used worldwide. Some people think Massage Therapy can help you relax, as matter of fact, it can do much more than that. Massage increases and improves circulation. Just like rubbing your elbow when you knock it on a table helps to relieve the pain. It soothes anxiety and depression.We offer a variety of massage services performed by RMT practitioners or highly trained Massage Therapists.

Herbal Therapy 中药疗法

Herbal therapy is important component in the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Like acupuncture, Chinese herbs can address unhealthy body patterns that manifest in a variety of symptoms and complaints. The herbal therapy uses nature botanical or plant products to help you regain balance in your body and to strengthen your body’s resistance to disease. The herbal products made from herbal decoctions that have been condensed into a granular or powdered form. You just need to add hot water and drink it. It is easier and more convenient.

Tuina Massage推拿按摩

Tuina Massage is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), used different techniques instead of needles to apply pressure on body or manipulate on certain body part to remove the blockage of stagnated vital energy. Tuina Massage practitioner focus on following the meridians and channels line to stimulate acupoints and restore the balance of vital energy. The main therapeutic goal of Tuina Massage is to improve local and overall qi and blood flow in the body.

Cupping 拔罐疗法

Cupping is one of therapeutic techniques in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and is almost like a backward deep tissue massage. Practitioner uses a cup to pull an area of skin into a suction that decompresses muscles and connective tissue. Through the application of cupping, it promotes blood flow to the compromised area, enhances circulation and reduces pain or muscle tension. It is often used in conjunction with acupuncture or acupressure.

Electroacupuncture 电针疗法

Electroacupuncture is a form of acupuncture where the needles are then attached to a device that generates continuous electric pulses using small clips. The small electric current is passed between pairs of acupuncture needles.  This practice augments the use of regular acupuncture. It can restore health and well-being, and is particularly beneficial for treating various pains or lower function of certain body parts.

Cosmetic acupuncture 美容针法

Cosmetic acupuncture is also known as facial rejuvenation acupuncture, is a skin care treatment that rejuvenates the appearance of your skin to help reduce and prevent the common signs of aging. The needles act as triggers causing your body to increase blood flow and stimulate your skin to produce an increase in collagen and elastin. It helps reduce fine lines, puffiness, and swelling in the face, improve complexion and skin tone, and overall signs of aging. It is an excellent alternative to Botox or fillers.

Moxibustion 艾灸疗法

Moxibustion is a form of therapy that entails the burning of moxa (mugwort leaves). By applying the burning moxa close to the skin’s surface, the heat is transferred through meridians into internal organs. Its purpose is to provide yang energy (warm) to stimulate the flow of vital energy and blood, and return body to a balance, healthy state. It is beneficial to patients with cold pattern of health disorders.

Bloodletting 放血疗法

Bloodletting is a specialized TCM technique that aims to remove excess yang pattern of ailments stemming from heat syndromes. The practitioner uses a needle to pierce specific parts of the body or acupoints in order to release a small amount of blood as a form of therapy. From a TCM perspective, this method that improves blood circulation and resolves blood stasis. Its application is simple and convenient yet achieving quick therapeutic results.

Gua Sha Therapy 刮痧疗法

Gua Sha is a Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) technique in which a practitioner gently scrapes areas of your body with a smooth-edged tool (typically made of stone).  From the perspective of TCM, many diseases and health complaints can be traced back to stagnated vital energy “Qi” and blood in the body. Because Gua Sha works on the epidermis and dermal layers of the skin, it can smooth wrinkles and tame facial puffiness, reduce systemic inflammation, improve circulation, and/or increase range of motion.

Online Care 网诊疗法 (Dr. John Yang only)

Access care from the comfort of your own home! After booking, send us an email to explain your main concerns. During the online call, Dr. Yang will assess if herbal medicine is required to treat your issue(s). If so, they will be sent to your home.*
*Delivery fee: $20

House Call - Lower Mainland (Dr. John Yang only)

This is suitable for patients who require acupuncture but are physically unable to visit our clinic. This service is available to patients who live in the Lower Mainland. Please call or e-mail us at least 24 hours in advance to inquire.